You Said Go MinistriesDavid and Rhonda believe that God has a unique plan for Nepal and Paraguay. They are willing to be a part of that plan, no matter the cost. Their vision is to train up missionaries and send them out into a world longing to know the true and Living God.
Holly Miller Ministries"TEACHING THE TRUTH AS I WAS TAUGHT" I am a Preacher's kid willing to serve in the ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ.
The Ratcliffe FamilyPeter and Evi Ratcliffe moved to Paraguay, with their family of seven, only 14 weeks after hearing the Macedonian call. Paraguay received one of the sweetest families in all the world. Peter Ratcliffe is truly a soul winner. They are learning the Guarani language and ministering to unreached people groups in the area. Peter will be holding workshops, all over Paraguay, on how easy it is to win the lost to Jesus, living by faith, and living a spirit filled life. This family never complains when the storm rages. The Ratcliffes simply trust the voice of God.
Revival Life Ministries1. Reaching the Lost: Reaching the Lost is our heart's cry, whether it's one by one or many at a time. We want to see Neighborhoods, Cities, Regions and Nations Transformed by the Power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
2. Reviving the Church: We are Partnering with Pastors & Local Churches to see them Grow, Flourish and Do all that God has called them to do by the Power of the Holy Spirit. |
Til He ReturnsMicah and Melissa moved their family of two to Costa Rica in January 2012, and now they are a family of four. Tyce was born August 2012, and Ziza was born April 2015. "We never know when God will say go, but we are open to His leading wherever and whenever that may be. Our life is definitely one wild adventure. We do everything from jail ministry, orphanages, teaching, training, and hey, sweeping a few floors, if needed. Basically, our heart belongs to Jesus, so we just GO and DO and LISTEN to His still small but powerful and perfect voice."
Faith Life NowHere at Faith Life Now, our mission is to share strategies for balanced living in the areas of faith, family and finances. We are average, people who God has changed, and we have a passion to connect with real people on a practical level to encourage them toward their destiny. You can’t fulfill your destiny until you get the “money thing” fixed, which is why Faith Life Now offers a wide array of practical tools and answers to life’s questions. We sincerely want to see you winning in life, doing what you love to do, while making an impact in this world!
Dr. Jack MyersDr. Myers travels full time holding revival, renewal and evangelistic crusade meetings in the U.S. and foreign countries. God comes and confirms the word with signs and wonders following.
Sword & Psalm MinistriesMarcel and Evelyn were called of the Lord to “increase the Christian expression of every believer they come in contact with on a daily basis. Sword and Psalm Ministry is dedicated to undergirding and augmenting the work of the local church. The Josephs achieve this by endeavoring to tie into the vision of the church spiritually and bring the right word in season.
Hope for All Nations MinistriesEdwell and Constance Nhira have a vision to preach the gospel in all Africa and around the world. Their vision is to bring millions of people into the kingdom and to disciple many for kingdom service and abundant life in Christ. They plan to crisscross Africa and the world preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. They also plan to establish Christian schools to train a generation of Champions for Christ. The mission of Hope for All Nations Ministries International is to Evangelize the Continent of Africa and the world through Crusades, Discipleship and Education. "Evangelism is our supreme task, discipleship is our strategy."